Review | Cleverlands

As a teacher, you often hear talk about the world’s best education systems – starting school later, more respect of the profession, mastery – but it can be hard to turn this policy into something workable. Lucy Crehan’s Cleveland manages to shed some light on this.

Cretan travels the world visiting the top performing PISA countries, and takes a good look at their education systems. Through her visits to Finland, Singapore, Japan, Shanghai and Canada, we see why these countries are so successful and the possible foibles of their education systems.

Rather than an enforced theory or set of ideas (at least until the final chapter), Crehan enables us to have an insight into the lives of students and teachers across the globe. The book allows for ideas about streaming (when, if at all?), motivation, professionalism, accountability and curriculum design to bubble in your mind as you read, so you are able to come to your own conclusion as she does.

This is a really good read if you are interested in education policy or over-arching ideas about education systems! Order here